Parents and Family Authorization

Parents and Family Authorization

Students may authorize up to four other individuals access to their student account information (eBill, 1098T form, etc.) electronically as well as authorize the University of Michigan to discuss this information via phone/in-person or via e-mail when the following steps are completed:

  • Student designates e-mail address(es) and access: The student may designate up to four e-mail addresses to receive electronic access to his or her account as well as to discuss this information via phone/in-person or via e-mail. To designate an e-mail address, the student will need to:
    1. Go to Wolverine Access
    2. Log on to Wolverine Access using her or his U-M uniqname and kerberos password.
    3. Select Parent/Family Authorization from the Student Center.
    4. Enter the following information for each person being granted access:
    • E-mail address:  The email address may be verified by also entering the address in the Re-enter email address box.
    • *Full Name:  More than one name may be entered in the box if the email address is used by more than one person; for example Jane and John Smith
    • *Relationship: select the relationship from the drop-down list.
    • Business Information Authorization Consent:  To allow the U-M to discuss student account information over the phone/in-person or through e-mail with the individual, select the box to the left of Student Financial Services (student account and billing).
    • Communication Recipient:  Check the applicable box(es) to designate the type(s) of informational e-mail(s) to be sent.  Any or all four categories may be selected for each e-mail address entered.
    • Wolverine Access Authorization: To provide electronic access to the student account information detailed above, select the box to the left of My Student Account Data.
    • Select Save located at the top or bottom of the authorization selection box.
    • The Submit Confirmation page will display indicating that the email address(es) was successfully added.
    • NOTE:  A confirmation email will be sent to each Parents and Family e-mail address authorized access.  The confirmation e-mail will contain a link to allow the Parents and Family designee to establish an U-M "Friend" account.
  • Create Secure Login (if necessary): If the authorized Parents and Family member does not have an existing U-M uniqname, he or she will need to establish a new "friend" account with the University of Michigan. Click here for more information on how to set up a U-M "Friend" account.

U-M Parent and Family authorization Panel