Obtaining Approvals

Obtaining Approvals

Once it has been determined that the journal is appropriate for the Funds involved, it should be approved based on departmental and system procedures.

Departmental Approvals

All journals should go through an approval process.  Departments should determine their approval process for journals taking into consideration that journals with any single line $10,000 or greater will be work flowed for approval to Department Managers or their designated approver in MPathways.  Journals with lines under $10,000 do not go through the workflow process for approval, so approvals before being processed should be obtained and documented.

The Department Manager can designate an individual as an Authorized Approver, this individual should have the appropriate system role to approve JE’s.


Central Approvals

All Sponsored JE’s will require approval.  The journals should include proper support to aid in the approval process.



Internal Controls: Every journal entry should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate individual to ensure it is accurate and appropriate.



Department Contacts



The person who entered the journal entry into M-Pathways.



The person who identifies the need for a journal to be processed and requested the journal entry.

The uniqnames of the creator and the requester are stored in the Journal Header for all posted, user-initiated journal entries. In addition to the uniqname, the telephone number of the requester, at the time the journal entry was created, is also stored with the journal entry.


Internal Controls: The person who authorizes a journal entry should not be the same individual who requested the journal entry into M-Pathways.


Help Tip: To view the creators or requestors uniqname for a particular journal entry, open the Journal Entry in M-Pathways, or run the FN03 JrnlDetail Journal Detail by Journal ID and Date” in Business Objects. Contact Shared Services if you need additional assistance obtaining contact information on a journal entry.