Treasurer's Office - Debt Management
The university primarily issues fixed and variable rate bonds and commercial paper. The debt may be tax-exempt or taxable.
Commercial paper is an unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by the university, typically for the interim financing capital projects or gifts and may be issued as taxable or tax-exempt. Maturities on commercial paper typically are up to 90 days and no longer than 270 days.
A fixed rate bond is a bond that pays the same amount of interest for its entire term. The benefit of a fixed-rate bond is that university knows with certainty how much interest will be paid and for how long.
A variable rate bond is a bond with an interest rate that is adjusted at specific intervals, i.e. a floating interest rate.
Debt obligations where the interest received by the investor is excluded from federal and sometimes state and local income taxes.
Debt obligations where the interest received by the investor is subject to federal and state taxes.
The university presently issues debt backed by a pledge of General Revenues.
Hospital Gross Revenues means all revenues, income, receipts and money received by or on behalf of the Regents with respect to or arising from the operation of the Hospital, including but not limited to (a) gross revenues derived from its operation and possession of the Hospital, (b) proceeds with respect to, arising from or relating to the operations of the Hospital, and derived from (i) insurance (except to the extent such proceeds are required by the terms of the Master Indenture to be used for purposes inconsistent with their use for the payment of Revenue Obligations), (ii) accounts receivable, (iii) disposition of inventory and other tangible and intangible property, (iv) medical or hospital expense reimbursement or insurance programs or agreements, (v) investment earnings or profits on funds held by the Regents for the account or benefit of the Hospital and (vi) contract rights and other rights and assets now or hereafter owned, held or possessed by or on behalf of the Hospital by the Regents, but excluding (1) appropriations received from the State or Michigan, (2) proceeds of borrowing an interest earned thereon if and to the extent such interest is required to be excluded by the terms of the borrowing, (3) gifts, grants, bequests, donations and contributions received by or allocated to the Hospital, (4) cash on hand or investments held by the Regents at any time for the account or benefit of the Hospital and (5) medical service plan or other physician, dentist or similar payments to the extent not treated as Hospital revenues for Hospital accounting purposes.
Treasurer's Office - Depository Supply-Related Questions
Using this new bag means that you can deposit:
just cash
just coin (up to $25)
just checks
or any combination of the 3 in the same bag
You only need to complete one deposit ticket and one online cash receipt ticket (CRT) if allocating funds in the deposit!
You will not need to order or store separate cash & check bags. This bag will handle almost all deposits (please continue to use the CoinLOK bags for coin deposits over $25).
Only if you have opaque cash bags and take these bags directly to bank (not a deposit station). Select departments/clinics have been doing so in the past. Once the opaque cash bags are exhausted, the new combo bags will need to be used.
Yes. Combo bags are available in two sizes:
Small (9.5” x 12.5”)
Medium (12” x17”)
You have two options:
1. Recommended - Use the new combo bags and return your old cash & check bags to: Treasurer’s Office, 10090 Wolverine Tower, zip 1283. (Please do not dispose of these bags.)
2. Continue to use the cash and check bags as you have previously until they are exhausted.
A new banking trend is to produce transparent deposit bags. These bags will allow bank processing centers to view the contents and ensure that all funds are removed. It also ensures that there no non-monetary items included.
Transporting these bags to deposit stations or to the bank should be handled in the same manner, meaning that they should be kept out of view in a purse, backpack, etc., during transit.
Treasurer's Office - Depository Services
No. As of 11/28/12, anyone who has completed the Treasury Depository Certification MyLINC TME101 course does NOT also have to complete the MyLINC Cash Handling TME103 course.
The primary or secondary deposit location contact should have the FINPROD access to update authorized users.
Please see pages 1 & 2 of the link below for further details on how to make changes to authorized users.
The Treasurer's Office no longer requires to be notified of these authorized user changes.
Note: If your department/unit also processes credit cards, these authorized users may also need to be updated in FINPROD. See page 3 & 4 of the above linked document.
Units will have quicker access to their financial information and will have better forecasting capabilities through the improved reporting solutions. Many departments will save money through time savings and by no longer having to pay for depository supplies.
Converts to the new process will enjoy an online Cash Receipt Ticket interface in Wolverine Access that makes cash receipt preparation more convenient and efficient. This interface is extremely flexible, and automatic journal entries are made based on how a deposit is allocated in the online interface. Please note: the online cash receipt will not work for your unit until you have converted to the new process.
Units that process all of their deposits to a single Chartfield will no longer need to create cash receipt tickets once they have converted to the new process!
Is your department/unit seeking to become a new Treasury depositing location?
Please send an email for additional information prior to ordering initial depository supplies.
Initial deposit supplies will be provided to each unit once the Treasurer's Office completes the location setup.
Additional quantities of deposit bags, deposit tickets, endorsement stamps, etc. can be ordered through the Treasury online depository supply order form. Please allow up to three weeks for delivery.
No. U-M is now using Huntington Bank for U-M's cash/check deposits. Please contact [email protected] for new Huntington Bank supplies.
Shred any old Bank of America or LaSalle Bank deposit tickets. You can send old endorsement stamps to the Treasurer's Office for proper disposal.
Appropriate items to deposit:
- U.S. Cash (currency and coin)
- checks issued by U.S. banks are acceptable
- Contact [email protected] if you have a Canadian check(s) prior to depositing
- traveler's checks & domestic money orders
Inappropriate items to deposit:
- severely damaged U.S. cash (i.e., bent coin or less than 75% of a bill)
- foreign currency & coin
- checks drawn off of banks other than U.S. banks
Inappropriate items will not be accepted and will not be credited in the deposit.
If the total coin is less than $25, loose coin can be placed in a plain envelope and included with the cash deposit.
If the total coin exceeds $25, contact the Treasurer’s Office for heavy duty CoinLok bags. These bags are able to hold up to 50 lbs of coin. If the department is unable to transport the bag for deposit, the Treasurer’s Office can make special arrangements for it transportation.
The University of Michigan does not accept checks of any kind issued from foreign banks located outside the U.S. and Canada. This includes payments from students, vendors and other affiliates, regardless of whether payment is issued in U.S. dollars or foreign currencies.
Accepting checks issued from foreign banks (non-U.S./non-Canadian) presents unique challenges in the collection of the funds. Unlike domestic checks that are cleared through the United States Federal Reserve, foreign-issued checks must be presented and cleared through a variety of channels depending on the banking system associated with the country of origin. Impacts of the more complex foreign check clearing process include:
- Increased cost for clearing which can exceed the amount of small deposits. Some banks will not process foreign checks under $250.00 USD. Each bank that is involved in the chain of clearing a foreign check can add service fees that reduce the amount of the deposit. Costs for clearing foreign checks are charged back to each depositing unit.
- Foreign checks must be handled through a separate labor intensive process from domestic checks.
- Delay in clearing (as much as 12 weeks) as check clearing laws vary per country.
- Foreign exchange risk can be encountered on some currencies.
The University is sensitive to the strategic partnerships held with our vendors and academic affiliates abroad as well as our diverse student population. The Treasurer’s Office is available to assist students, faculty, and staff in making the determination of the most cost effective payment alternative. Suggested payment alternatives include wire transfer through the SWIFT payment network and credit card payments for non-tuition & fee
Anyone requiring assistance with establishing the acceptance of credit card payments or details for receiving wire transfer payments may contact the Treasurer’s Office for further
Committed Cash Receipt Tickets cannot be altered. If the deposit is still in your possession, in most cases, it is suggested to:
- Shred the white deposit ticket.
- Write "void" on the yellow deposit ticket copy in the book of deposit tickets.
- Create a new deposit ticket with the correct amount.
- Create a new Cash Receipt Ticket* using the new deposit ticket number.
- Make the deposit.
* The first Cash Receipt Ticket will never match with the "shredded" deposit ticket and will actually be deleted from the Online CRT system after about 90 days.
The same procedures above can be followed for errors done in a committed CRT, assuming that the deposit is still in your possession.
If the deposit was already sent to the bank and Cash Receipt Ticket committed with a different amount or had incorrect allocations, the deposit ticket amount will post to the department's default Chartfields. The department will need to process a correcting journal entry.
If you have committed the online Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT) and closed your Web browser without printing a copy of the CRT, at this time you will not be able to obtain a CRT copy for your records.
However if you have query access to FINPROD and you wait until the following business day, you can run a specific query that will provide the same CRT information in a spreadsheet format. Use this link for FINPROD query instructions. If you do not have FINPROD access, please contact the Treasurer's Office with the deposit ticket number and date of CRT.
If any default chartfield requires alteration, simply send an email to [email protected] with your:
- department name
- 4 digit Treasury-assigned location number
- new chartfield information
Please indicate if the change applies to credits and/or debits. Financial Operations must approved the new chartfields before we can post them in FINPROD. Changes generally will be processed within a few business days.
Deposit Stations are ATM-like devices designed to accept university deposits. Deposit Stations are currently located at the:
- Michigan Union
- Michigan League
- Pierpont Commons
Units can deposit funds at local Huntington Bank branches. Please be sure to use your assigned deposit tickets from the Treasurer's Office.
Please visit to find a branch near you.
Please contact the Treasurer’s Office in advance for details; they can make alternate deposit arrangements for special circumstances.
Please contact U-M Shared Services Center - SOA Reconciliation at 734 615-2000 #3 or [email protected] for assistance.
Please contact Treasury Services - Amy Cobb, Dave Doyle or Kelley Thomas using the following email:
Treasurer's Office - HSIP
E-mail [email protected] with the HSIP control number and the package I.D.s you would like to have activated.
E-mail [email protected] with the HSIP control number and the package I.D.s you would like to have activated.
If the PI does not use all the cash requested, the unused portion can be deposited using the cash deposit system:
- Debit account 111575 with your chartfield combination
- Send copy of the cash receipt with the Subject Incentive Receipts to the HSIP Office for documentation. The receipt can be sent by campus mail or as a PDF in an email to mailto:[email protected].
If the PI does not use all the coupons that were requested, the Unit Administrator can cancel the coupons using the following process:
- Contact the HSIP Office at [email protected] to have coupons cancelled. Please include the HSIP control number and coupon sequence number or numbers to be cancelled.
- HSIP Office will cancel the coupons. If this completes a request, the HSIP Office will complete the form to post to the SOA.
Contact [email protected]to request an appointment to return MasterCard gift Cards
- Include package ID numbers and amounts
- Let HSIP Office know preferred time for return.
Documentation can be submitted to the HSIP via the following methods:
- Attach a file directly in the HSIP request
- Fax the documentation securely to (734) 764-5375
- Send the documentation through Campus Mail
To request an extension please contact the HSIP Office at [email protected]. State reason for extension and time needed to complete request.
You may use different incentive types for a study if they have been approved by the IRB. Each request will only be for one payment type, but separate requests can have different payment types.
If a subject does not receive a check, please contact the HSIP Office. We will help to reissue or cancel a check. DO NOT make a new request before contacting the HSIP Office. If this is done, two checks will be issued to the same person.
Treasurer's Office - Mcard
If you have an expired campus Mcard (not from Michigan Medicine) and are still affiliated with the University, take your expired Mcard to a campus ID Station for a replacement. Expired Mcards are required to be turned in for a new valid Mcard. A replacement fee will be charged if the expired Mcard is not turned in at the time a new Mcard is produced.
Expired U-M Temporary Mcards will require a completed Mcard Request & Change Form (Ann Arbor form link) by their supervisor/manager.
Certain new replacement campus Mcards for contractors, visitors, contracted temps, vendors, etc.) will incur a $4 charge.
At the time a new student, faculty, staff Mcard (5 year expiration) is produced, a new photo of the cardholder will be taken per University policy.
Michigan Medicine Expired Mcards
To replace an expired Mcard for a new Michigan Medicine Mcard, the Key & ID office will require your expired Mcard and a Michigan Medicine ID Card Change & Request form completed by your department administration.
Michigan Medicine Mcard additional information.
Your Mcard is a multi-functional card, which provides access to University services and facilities and serves many purposes. On the Ann Arbor campus these include but are not limited to:
Official University Photo ID
Building Access
Library Borrowing Privileges
Computer Log On
Meal Plans
Blue Bucks
Recreation Center Access
Not all University services are available to all cardholders. Please inquire with the service provider for qualifications and other information.
Depending on what your Mcard will not do will depend on how the problem is corrected.
Below are some of the most common problems, but not all, Ann Arbor cardholders experience along with instructions for a possible resolution. Please note that:
- If you just received a new printed Mcard, it can take up to 30 minutes for access to become active.
- Most cardholders will not have 24 hours/7 days a week building access.
- Building access is granted by the building management. They decide who receives access at which doors and what times of the day. There is not a single unit that controls access across campus.
- EXPIRED Mcards could also cause access problems - take expired Mcard to an ID Issuing Station for replacement.
All phone numbers are area code (734)
Card will not work anywhere it is swiped AND there are scratches on black stripe - take Mcard to an ID Issuing Station
Card is damaged - take Mcard to an ID Issuing Station
Cannot get into own residence hall - contact Housing 763-3164
Cannot get meals at a residence hall - contact Housing 763-3164
Cannot spend Blue Bucks funds at readers or merchants - contact Housing 763-3164
Cannot get into campus academic buildings - contact the specific building access control administrator (usually the Facilities Dept). See bottom of page for instructions how to present your Mcard to the card reader.
Cannot get into recreation buildings - contact the Central Campus Rec Bldg 763-3084
Cannot access campus computing sites (ITCS) - email [email protected] and include your uniqname, the 16-digit ID number on the front of your card, the name of any site where you had problems gaining entry, and the date and time of your last Mcard swipe.
Library bar code unreadable - take Mcard to an ID Issuing Station
Cannot access hospital areas - contact the Key & ID Office 763-6376
Cannot access medical school buildings - e-mail [email protected] with 16 digit card #, name, and location of access problem
Cannot access North Campus Research Complex areas - contact the NCRC Mcard ID station 734 764-9004
Here are the steps to present your Mcard to Ann Arbor campus (non-Housing) card readers.
- Be sure to specifically hold your Mcard stationary (not waving or moving) and flat against the right side of the card reader where there is a small rectangle indentation.
- The card reader takes 2 seconds to read the Mcard when in the correct position.
- Once it reads the Mcard, the display will change as will the orange light.
- A good card read will:
- change the light to green and display "Access Granted" if you have access.
- change the light to red and display "Access Denied" if you do not have access.
NOTE to students: If you see "Access Denied," your Mcard is fine but there is an access issue. Building facilities departments are generally the area that can help resolve access issues.
If there is no change in light colors or display, then the Mcard is not in the correct position and/or close enough to the card reader. Remember, the card has to be completely stationary, not moving. Here are two other potential card reading causing issues:
- if you present your Mcard along with a contactless credit card or a smartphone, the card reader can be confused trying to read the Mcard and the other card/smart phone at the same time. In those situations, the card reader would continue to just indicate "Present Card."
- if your Mcard was with your phone on a wireless charger, it definitely can "fry" your chip inside of your Mcard. Sometimes there are no visible signs of an issue but it can cause it to malfunction. Do not keep your Mcard near a wireless charger or other charging device.
If you are an experienced user of building access and the card reader does not change when you present your card, your card may need to be replaced at a campus ID station.
A University agreement with Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (AAATA) allows all current students, faculty, and staff with yellow Mcards to ride any fixed schedule bus route simply by swiping their valid (non-expired) Mcard through a card reader on the fare box on the bus. Individuals who are not U-M students or employees are not a part of the agreement.
The program is called Mride. With this agreement AAATA bills the university for the rides to destinations throughout Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and other surrounding communities. The agreement does not cover rides to such events as the Ann Arbor Art Fair or home Michigan football games.
If you have an expired yellow Mcard and still have a valid student/employee affiliation, a replacement Mcard can be issued for free when the expired card is turned in to an ID Station.
Blue colored Mcards were created to help distinguish members of the University community (not including Michigan Medicine) from faculty, staff, and students. These cards include:

- Alumni
- Conference
- Contracted Temps (Accountemps, Kelly, Wolverine Staffing, etc.)
- Contractors
- Housing Temporary
- Recreational Sports Sponsored Users
- Vendors
- Visitors
Student/faculty/staff name changes are not processed at an ID Issuing Station. If a cardholder has a name change due marriage, divorce, legal name change, or it is simply misspelled...
Students - all name changes are first processed through Wolverine Access or the Registrar's Office.
Faculty/Staff - all name changes are first processed through the Human Resources Department.
These offices require proof of name change such as marriage certificate, legal documents, etc.
After the name change is processed through the appropriate office, the data will be transferred to the ID Card database generally in about 30 minutes. Once the name change has appeared in the ID Card database, the cardholder can turn in their current Mcard for a new corrected Mcard.
Non-student/faculty/staff name changes can be processed at an ID Issuing Station with appropriate documentation (marriage certificate, divorce decree, new driver's license, or other legal documents). A corrected Mcard may require a card fee.
Preferred Names are available to be printed on Mcards. Cardholders first select an appropriate preferred name through Wolverine Access. Cardholders lacking access to Wolverine Access can seek additional information here. Dearborn and Flint students can go to their respective campus ID Issuing Stations to select an appropriate preferred name and have it printed on their Mcards. Generally, visitors, contractors, Rec Sports sponsored users, and others who cannot have access to Wolverine Access are unable to participate in the preferred name feature at this time.
For additional information regarding preferred names and the Mcard Preferred Name Policy please click here.
The following is a 3-D email sent on 3/29/07 from Gloria Hage, Associate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of the University, and Jeff Frumkin, Assistant Provost introducing Preferred Name...
We are pleased to inform you that the Provost's Office, HR/AA, and MAIS, on the Ann Arbor campus has led an effort to develop and implement a University-wide policy that will enable students, faculty, and staff to use a preferred name instead of their legal name in various University information systems. The legal name will continue to be used in business processes that require use of the legal name, such as for payroll records and student transcripts.
Many individuals on campus have expressed a desire to be known by a name different than their legal name, which is referred to as preferred name. Demand for use of a preferred name type across the University community has increased as individual information has expanded in databases and is more accessible via the Internet.
The Preferred Names implementation is being phased into use during 2007 and 2008.
1. Beginning April 25, 2007, students of the Ann Arbor campus and Faculty and Staff of the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses can specify a preferred name of their choice through Wolverine Access. The first administrative system that will incorporate the preferred name is the U-M Online Directory (UMOD). Any preferred names added through Wolverine Access become available in the UMOD after each weekly UMOD update.
2. Later in 2007, preferred names will be used in the 2007-08 printed staff directory and individuals may request to have a preferred name on their Mcard.
3. June 2008 is the target date to have preferred names available for reporting from the M-Pathways Data Warehouse.
4. For future implementation, the Enterprise Directory will include preferred names for additional populations, such as alumni, contractors, and visitors. Enterprise Directory will also contain data for employees, students, alumni, emeritus faculty, and sponsored individuals.
The Provost's office recommends that business offices review the use of names for their internal business processes and reporting. Offices that retrieve name data from M-Pathways should develop plans to begin using preferred names as soon as is reasonable by the end of the next academic year.
The University recognizes that as a community many of its members use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. As long as the use of this different name is not for the purposes of misrepresentation, the University acknowledges that a 'preferred name' can and should be used wherever possible in the course of University business and education. Therefore, it is the policy of the University that any student, active or retired faculty or staff member, or alumni may choose to identify themselves within the University's information systems with a preferred name in addition to the person's legal name. It is further understood that the person's preferred name shall be used in all University communications and reporting except where the use of the legal name is required by University business or legal need.
The individual is free to determine the preferred name he or she wants to be known by in the University's information systems. However, inappropriate use of the preferred name policy (including but not limited to avoiding a legal obligation or misrepresentation) may be cause for denying the request.
Mcard Preferred Name Policy
Faculty, staff, retiree, student, and alumni cardholders may have an appropriate preferred name used on their Mcards. Preferred names for faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, and Ann Arbor campus students populate the ID Card database from Wolverine Access and are not changed at an ID Issuing Station.
Beginning in January 2024 the Michigan Medicine Key/ID office located in room C-150 Med Inn Building will begin issuing Mcards with preferred names.
Since Dearborn and Flint Students currently do not have access to Wolverine Access, they may have an appropriate preferred name entered manually into the ID Card database by the Dearborn and Flint ID Issuing Stations.
All other cardholders (contractors, visitors, etc.) may be able to have a preferred name subsequent to the implementation of the MCommunity Enterprise Directory.
When a preferred name is used for an Mcard, it will be the default name printed on the front of the Mcard. The legal name also will print on the reverse of the Mcard above the library bar code.
Faculty, staff, retirees, students, and alumni are able to have one and only one Mcard reproduced with their preferred name printed at no charge. (Cardholders must turn in their current Mcard, otherwise pay the replacement fee.) Additional requests for Mcards with new/different preferred names after the first free reproduction will be charged the Mcard replacement fee.
Inappropriate Preferred Names
Individuals with access to Wolverine Access have the ability to input any preferred name of their choice. It is possible that an inappropriate preferred name could be selected and ID Issuing Staff may deny that name from being printed on an Mcard. Inappropriate preferred names include but are not limited to those that avoid legal obligation, misrepresent, harass, threaten, or are otherwise objectionable. In most cases, a preferred name should not be a message, company or group name, especially if it is for promotional purposes.
ID Issuing Station management have the authority to refuse the issuance of an Mcard in this situation.
Individuals with preferred names deemed inappropriate can either:
- obtain an Mcard with just their legal name.
- change their preferred name on Wolverine Access and return later to an ID Issuing Station for their Mcard with revised appropriate preferred name.*
Cardholders also can appeal the decision of the ID Issuing Station staff to: [email protected]
In this case, the Registrar’s Office or Human Resources will make the final decision. These offices have the ultimate authority in determining the appropriateness of preferred names. If the preferred name is deemed appropriate, the email response will inform the cardholder to print the email and turn it in to an ID Issuing Station.
* Only the Dearborn & Flint ID Issuing Station staff can manually change student preferred names in the ID Card database as requested by the students.
Additional Preferred Name information can be found at this web page link:
Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the:
Mcard Admin
Send us an email
734 763-1299
If you do not like your photo on your Mcard, you may obtain a new photo and Mcard at an ID Station for a cost of $20. Under certain circumstances, cardholders who have had major physical facial or head changes can turn in their old card for an updated Mcard. Cardholders who change hair style or hair color, grow facial hair or remove it, begin to wear glasses or contacts, have minor plastic surgery, etc. do not qualify as having a major physical change and a $20 replacement would apply. Final discretion is determined by the ID Issuing Station.
If you just want to change your Mcard photo that is used for university business uses (e.g., class photo rosters, etc.), you can use your U-M email to attach a new photo and send it to [email protected]. It should be processed within two business days. The new photo should be updated whenever the next time the department/school pulls Mcard photos from the Mcard system.
Generally students, faculty, and staff, who turn in their Mcards because it is expired or damaged from normal use; who have changed departments; or who have a name changes can request to have a new photo taken for the new Mcards.
According to the University's Standard Practice Guide 601.13, each member of the University is allowed only one identification card, the Mcard, at a time. Cardholders are not allowed to have multiple valid Mcards, except in the case of the possession of an Alumni Mcard. Cardholders cannot reproduce any part of their Mcard for purposes of having/wearing proper identification.
Cardholders who are students and employed at the University have the option to receive an Mcard with the department/organization name on the obverse and the word "Student" above the magnetic stripe on the reverse. Faculty/staff who have multiple appointments must choose the most pertinent department name to print on the obverse of the Mcard. A second department name cannot be printed on the Mcard. If a cardholder has an affiliation change (i.e., staff changes departments), the cardholder must turn in their Mcard to obtain an updated card with their new affiliation.
Expired Mcards are not valid forms of University identification. An expired Mcard can be taken to an ID Issuing Station for a replacement if there is still an active affiliation in the ID Card database.
All Mcards are property of the University and must be returned to an ID Issuing Station or cardholder's supervisor when cardholder's affiliation with the University has ended.
No, lending Mcards for any purpose is not permitted as per University SPG 601.13. Should an Mcard be given to someone else for use and the Mcard becomes lost, it is the original cardholder's responsibility to pay for the replacement of the card. There have been cases where borrowed Mcards were used for fraud and the original cardholders were held responsible. It's just not a good idea no matter how trivial it may seem.
Currently, the ability to obtain student Mcard photos for class rosters is available for the Ann Arbor campus instructors and support staff in Faculty Business in Wolverine Access. The usage of student Mcard photos are governed by the Standard Practice Guide 601.13. It is possible this functionality will be be expanded to the Dearborn and Flint Campuses in the future.
For additional information see Mcard Photo Use Policy.
Are you a department/unit looking for Mcard photos for a department photo roster or other use not listed above? Request the individuals to seek their own Mcard photo by sending an email request to [email protected] using their U-M email account. They will receive their Mcard photo for free. You can then ask them for their photos.
The University of Michigan Athletic Department requires that all students with student season football tickets show their Mcards for entry into Michigan Stadium. It is highly recommended that students who have lost their Mcards obtain a replacement Monday - Friday during normal business hours at an ID issuing station prior to the game.
There are no ID stations open on game day Saturdays! If an Mcard is lost on game day, a replacement card may be obtained at Crisler Center Northeast Box office 2 hours prior to kickoff until halftime for a $20 fee.
For additional information regarding the student ticket policy and procedures, see the U of M Athletics' Web site.
No. For safety and security, residence halls do not cash checks. It is recommended that students, faculty, and staff use a local bank for check cashing services.
The University Cashier's Office does not cash personal checks.
Please visit the Mcard website:
Ann Arbor Campus Mcard Center Map
Michigan Union Tech Shop
Send us an email
It's best to drop off a found Mcard to a campus ID station. If that's not possible, the Mcard can be mailed to the appropriate card office. The address is on back of card.
If more than the Mcard is found (e.g., wallet, purse, backpack, etc.), please provide to the U-M Division of Public Safety & Security (DPSS).
Here are the steps to present your Mcard to Ann Arbor campus (non-Housing) card readers.
- Be sure to specifically hold your Mcard stationary (not waving or moving) and flat against the right side of the card reader where there is a small rectangle indentation.
- The card reader takes 2 seconds to read the Mcard when in the correct position.
- Once it reads the Mcard, the display will change as will the orange light.
- A good card read will:
- change the light to green and display "Access Granted" if you have access.
- change the light to red and display "Access Denied" if you do not have access.
NOTE: If you see "Access Denied" on building card readers, your Mcard is fine but there is an access issue. Most building facilities departments can help resolve access issues.
If there is no change in light colors or display, then the Mcard is not in the correct position and/or close enough to the card reader. Remember, the card has to be completely stationary, not moving.
Here are two other potential card reading causing issues:
if you present your Mcard along with a contactless credit card or a smartphone, the card reader can be confused trying to read the Mcard and the other card/smart phone at the same time. In those situations, the card reader would continue to just indicate "Present Card."
if your Mcard was with your phone on a wireless charger, it definitely can "fry" your chip inside of your Mcard. Sometimes there are no visible signs of an issue but it can cause it to malfunction. Do not keep your Mcard near a wireless charger or other charging device.
If you are an experienced user of building access and the card reader does not change when you present your card, your card may need to be replaced at a campus ID station.
Treasurer's Office - Merchant Services
The merchant contact should have the MPathways FINPROD access to update merchant authorized users.
Please see pages 3 & 4 of the link below for further details on how to make changes to authorized users.
The Treasurer's Office no longer requires to be notified of these authorized user changes.
Note: If your department/unit also processes deposits (with deposit tickets), these authorized users may also need to be updated in MPathways FINPROD. See page 1 & 2 of the above linked document.
Please see this web page for more information. Thank you!
Please see this web page for more information. Thank you!
Yes, you need to schedule a meeting by sending an email to [email protected] in the Treasurer’s Office first before completing any Merchant Registration forms. The Treasurer’s Office needs to verify that the third party gateway provider that you selected for Web based transactions is PCI compliant and is compatible with U-M's processor.
Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover collaborated to create common industry security requirements that each Merchant must comply with. These requirements are referred to in the Payment Card Industry as the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The standard applies to all payment methods, including retail (brick and mortar), mail/telephone order, and e-commerce.
And, the standard is also applicable to non-university entities that are using the University systems to process transactions. The PCI Data Security Standard offers a single approach to safeguarding sensitive data for all card brands (including American Express, Discover and JCB).
All U-M merchants must abid by the PCI DSS compliance which includes annually completing the MyLINC TME102 Merchant Certification and PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) on the TrustKeeper website.
It usually takes between 3-4 weeks to get your merchant account and credit card terminal, if applicable.
U-M's credit card processing bank, Worldpay, can expedite merchant account opening to about a one week for a $100 fee. Contact [email protected] for additional info.
You should contact the Treasurer’s Office at [email protected] or 734 615-6123 and tell them what problems you are experiencing. Treasury will attempt to assess the problem and if necessary order you a new credit card terminal. There is a reduced charge for replacement terminals ordered through Treasury instead of the Worldpay support center!
You will receive a monthly statement from the Merchant Acquirer Bank (Worldpay) detailing your sales and your fees. Also, all Worldpay merchants are set up with an automatic feed into the University’s General Ledger. Merchant sales and most fees will be posted to the chartfields that were provided on the Merchant Registration Form sent to Treasury and will appear on your U-M Statement of Activity.
Merchants will need to contact Shared Services Center - SOA Reconciliation at 734-615-2000 #3 or [email protected] for assistance.
Please see this link related to chartfield/shortcode changes, which are processed by the UM Shared Services Center.
Yes, you must complete batch processing of all sales receipts at the end of each business day.
In some cases processing credit cards online or through software, batching is automatically done. However, one must verify sales receipts each business day.
If a customer disputes a credit card sales transaction within 18 months with the credit card issuer, the Merchant will receive paperwork requiring them to respond within a specific period of time. If a chargeback is awarded to the card holder, the merchant will be debited for the credit card transaction amount.
You must respond within the timeframe specified on the notification with proof of cardholder authorization for that transaction. Otherwise, the customer will be issued a credit on their card and you will be debited the disputed amount.
No, the person who processes the sale cannot process the return without the documented approval of designated individual in section 7 of the Merchant Services Policy document to authorize credit refunds. Supervisory approval of all credit refunds is required. A common form of fraud is for an employee to process credits to their own personal credit card(s).
No. The card associations do not normally permit cash refunds for any credit card transactions. The only exception to this rule is if the purchase was made with a prepaid card (e.g. Visa or Mastercard gift card) and the cardholder is returning items, but has discarded this card, you may give a cash refund, have a check issued through U-M Accounts Payable or in-store credit.
A Merchant shall not process a credit transaction without having completed a previous purchase transaction with the same cardholder and the same credit card. The only exceptions to this rule is:
1. if the purchase was made with a prepaid card (e.g. Visa or Mastercard gift card) and the cardholder is returning items, but has discarded this card, you may give a cash refund, have a check issued through U-M Accounts Payable or in-store credit.
2. if the original transaction was processed on a Worldpay credit card terminal and the cardholder has lost the original credit card. A credit up to the original purchase amount may be refunded to a new credit card in the same person's name.
In all cases, credits/refunds must be approved/documented by a designated approver (listed on the merchant policy document).
FIRST: Notify [email protected] immediately and provide full details of the situation. The Treasurer's Office will respond with any further steps required.
Also as reference the Standard Practice Guide 601.25 outlines the regular incident reporting policy for all University units. Note: Wait for a response from Treasury.
A merchant is required to retain legible copies of credit card receipts for up to 18 months in order to satisfy any disputes/chargebacks. These receipts should be kept in a locked file cabinet or safe. After the 18 month period has expired, the credit card receipts should be shredded in order to protect cardholder information (refer to PCI DSS Requirement 9.1).
Please refer to SPG 604.01 as the required retention period is dependent upon the source of funds supporting the activity (e.g. sponsored programs retention period is different from non-sponsored programs).
Internal controls provide important benefits to your department and to the University as a whole by improving the quality of accounting information, and it reduces the possibility of mismanagement, error and fraud. Segregation of duties is the cornerstone of internal control. It is a coordinated system of checks and balances in which tasks necessary to complete a transaction either are performed by different individuals, two or more individuals working in tandem, or the tasks are independently reviewed. No one individual should control all aspects of processing a credit card transaction or refund (i.e., reviewing daily batches, reconciling the Statement of Activity and Monthly Merchant Statement from Vantiv).
For further information on internal controls, please see:
SPG 500.1 Fiscal Responsibilities
Treasurer's Office - Insurance and Claims Administration
You are insured for claims made against you personally for any loss or damage resulting from your university sponsored activities, except for any loss or damage resulting from any willful misconduct or illegal activities. Coverage provides for payment of all costs, including defense costs, for which covered persons or departments become legally obligated to pay.
Anyone covered by university insurance is required to cooperate fully with all aspects of the defense of the claim.
In some cases, persons covered by the university’s insurance program must receive approval of indemnification from the Provost or Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Refer to Defense and Indemnification SPG 601.09:
The university’s insurance provides liability coverage for volunteers while performing authorized services on behalf of the university, except for any loss or damage resulting from any willful misconduct or illegal activities. Coverage provides for payment of all costs, including defense costs, for which covered persons or departments become legally obligated to pay.
Anyone covered by university insurance is required to cooperate fully with all aspects of the defense of the claim.
In some cases, persons covered by the university’s insurance program must receive approval of indemnification from the Provost or Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Refer to Defense and Indemnification SPG 601.09:
Generally speaking, the university’s coverage does not extend to personal property. Some exceptions apply if property is being used at the request of, or to benefit, the university. Call Insurance and Claims Administration for more information.
No, the University’s property insurance program covers university owned property in transit.
No, you should:
- Use the University’s designated car rental company. If that is not an option;
- Use the University P-Card to rent the vehicle. If that is not an option;
- The University’s self-insurance program will respond to a loss.
The owner of the vehicle's insurance responds to the loss or damage. Insurance costs are included in the per-mile reimbursement rate and are not reimbursable as a separate expense.
Pursuant to SPG 507.10-1, the University does not assume liability for damage to personal vehicles used on University business and does not assume liability for deductibles or any other uninsured loss to the vehicle. Liability insurance protection will be provided as additional coverage only after the private owner’s personal liability insurance limits are exhausted when the vehicle is used for business purposes.
Cost of repairs to a vehicle, whether or not they result from the traveler’s actions, are not reimbursable.
Insurance and Claims Administration will be happy to provide assistance upon request. Typically Insurance and Claims Administration reviews contracts received from the Office of General Counsel or Procurement.
Yes, charges are made to major units and each of these units determines how the costs will be charged within their areas. Not every department will be recharged. For example, recharges to departments within the General Fund-Ann Arbor are charged to one chartfield combination. Flint, Dearborn and the Hospital receive one recharge for all the units within each.
Contact Insurance and Claims Administration at (734) 764-2200.
Yes, contact Insurance and Claims Administration at (734) 764-2200. We will be happy to work with you and coordinate the services of experts to help formulate effective loss prevention plans.
Contact Insurance and Claims Administration at (734) 764-2200.
Treasurer's Office - Treasury Services - Funds Movement
Yes, please read through the Shared Services page regarding how to pay a foreign supplier.
Please contact the Shared Services Center at [email protected] for more information on how to setup a voucher to pay as a wire.
In most cases, approved wires will be sent within 10 business days.
A wire is a real-time method of transferring immediate funds and supporting information between two financial institutions and is relatively expensive to use. An ACH is similar to a wire transfer only it uses a batch-process. Transactions received by the bank are processed in batches and funds are not available in the beneficiary account until the next business day. ACH transfers are less expensive than wire transfers.
This 9-digit number is used by the banking system to route a check or electronic payment to the drawee or beneficiary bank.
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (S.W.I.F.T) is the major international interbank telecommunications network that transmits international payment instructions. A SWIFT code identifies a specific financial institution within the SWIFT network.
The following information will be needed to ensure proper recording of your deposit, which is done by Shared Services Center - Accounts Receivable: * Chartfield(s) to which the funds should be applied; * Amount of funds being sent; * Estimated date of funds transfer; * Sender’s name and any other pertinent information that may help us route the funds to the appropriate destination, such as student ID, vendor ID, etc. The bank account that will receive the wire transfer is dependent upon the type of transaction being deposited. Please contact the Treasurer’s Office for further direction on the details necessary to complete the transfer.
A valid business reason is needed to open any new account. Contact the Treasurer’s Office at 734 763-1299 or [email protected].
Treasurer's Office - Treasury Services - Supplier Check Writing
Check and ACH payment cycles are run on a daily basis, with the exception of University of Michigan holidays and Federal Reserve Bank holidays. Checkwriting is also closed for the winter season days, which usually run from December 26th through the 31st. Checks are sent out in the U.S. mail the day they are written and ACH payment files are also submitted to JP Morgan Chase Bank daily. ACH payments may take an additional day to appear in a bank account.
Contact Accounts Payable Customer Service Desk in the Shared Services Center (734) 615-2000.
Yes, checks going to foreign countries are sent out airmail. Checks to Canada and Mexico are metered at the correct postal rate for these countries.
No, the only official distribution used for checks is the U.S. Postal Service.
We have no affiliation with the U.S. Post Office and do not know what their work schedule or workload might be at any given time.
No, vendor checks must be processed with the available Accounts Payable internal controls.
Supplier Maintenance takes care of all supplier related needs and issues. Any questions related to vouchers, their creation or payment, as well as supplier information and numbers should be directed to Accounts Payable, the Accounts Payable Customer Service Desk in the Shared Services Center (734) 615-2000.
The Checkwriting area in the Treasurer's Office has no control or part in the processing of either type of voucher. Any questions related to vouchers, their creation or payment, as well as supplier information and numbers should be directed to Accounts Payable, the Accounts Payable Customer Service Desk in the Shared Services Center (734) 615-2000.