Merchant News & Tips of the Month

Merchant News & Tips of the Month

Worldpay (formerly Vantiv)  News and Updates 


Below are links to Tips of the Month and other news/updates.


April - Return / Refund Policy (2024-April) 

January-Approved phones for processing credit cards:


July - Return / Refund Policy (2023-July) 

(This version is no longer applicable. Please see the April 2024 version.)


May - issuing refunds when a dispute is already in process 

April - return fraud risk & some tips for your Refund Process protocol

March -  update clocks on relevant terminals, with Daylight Saving Time change

January - 2020 enhancements now in effect (dispute notifications & updating chartfields)


November - update clocks on terminals, with Daylight Saving Time change

October - Mastercard is updating its chargeback process 

April - please welcome our newest team member, Tom Stedman

March - update clocks on terminals, with Daylight Saving Time change

January - merchant contacts must keep the M-Pathways FINPROD Authorized User list current


December - providing your MID (and S/N, if terminal) helps us provide support more quickly

November - update clocks on terminals, with Daylight Saving Time change

October - inspect terminals daily for tampering

September - do not accept credit card information via email

August - please supply Account codes (which are different than shortcodes)

July - reminder that Vantiv changed its name to Worldpay (see prior Tip, dated 1/16/18)

June - check credentials of person seeking access to credit card device

May - Visa updated its chargeback process (see Visa VCR resources in link below)

VISA VCR - new Visa chargeback process info (Questions? Call 800 585-5313)

April - off-boarding procedures should account for merchant contact role change

March - update clocks on terminals, with Daylight Saving Time change

February -  multifunction fax/printer/copier devices are not PCI compliant

Vantiv Now Worldpay  - Vantiv (UM's credit card bank) changing its name to Worldpay (1/16/18)

January - provide Merchant ID (MID) when contacting us


December - send updated policy doc and change form, if changing merchant contact

November - update clocks on terminals, with Daylight Saving Time change

August - safely secure terminals when not in use


September - verify the identity of those who service/replace credit card terminals

August - Be aware of callers attempting to obtain merchant or terminal info

June - do not accept credit card info via email

May - do not store credit card security codes

February - proper credit card number handling


November - questions directed to [email protected]

October - EMV info

September - fradulent merchant communication

August - authorized users in MPathways FINPROD

July - never accept credit card data electronically from customers

June - credit card data received via a fax


October - CVC or CVV numbers

September- do not store sensitive cardholder data

May - do not process credit card transactions online for a customer

March - maintaining authorized users in MPathways FINPROD


December - caution processing prepaid/gift cards

November - Don't store sensitive cardholder data

April - AMEX charge increase