HSIP Glossary
ChartField Combination: ChartFields are the seven fields used in M-Pathways to enter, record and report financial transactions for the University. A ChartField Combination is a sequence up to seven fields that describes a specific financial activity within the University.
Custodian: Person responsible for receiving/picking up or holding incentives.
HSIP: Human Subject Incentive Program
Human Subject Incentive Coupon: Form that PI / researcher gives to human subjects that subject may redeem for cash at Central Campus Teller Services or at Hospital Cashier’s Office.
Human Subject Incentive Receipt: Form used by PI to obtain subject information and signature of receipt of funds.
Incentive: Compensation of monetary value that is paid to a subject for participating in human research.
IRB: Institutional Review Board
PI: The individual designated as Principal Investigator for a study in eResearch.
Shortcode: A six-digit number that represents a portion of a ChartField Combination. At a minimum, this stands for a specific Fund/Department/Class combination, but may also include a Program and/or a Project/Grant value depending on how the unit is tracking its business.
UA: Unit Administrator – this is the individual designated as an approver by unit management. The UA can also be responsible for reconciliation of incentive distributions.
Visa Gift Card: Prepaid Visa gift card that is available through the HSIP program.