Policies and Procedures
- Employment of Students - SPG 201.24
- Federal Unrelated Business Income - SPG 502.04
- Gifts, Prizes and Awards to Employees - SPG 501.12 and tax policy for employees
- Gifts-in-Kind - tax policy
- Housing Provided to Employees - tax policy
- Michigan Sales and Use Tax - SPG 502.03
- Sales Tax Examples from Tax Department
- Moving and Relocation Expenses - SPG 201.68
- Payments/Reimbursements to Students for Non-Employment Purposes - SPG 601.30
- Postdoctoral Research Fellows - SPG 201.19
- Record Retention - SPG 604.1
- Sales of Goods and Services to Non-University, etc. - SPG 502.04
- Services of Independent Consultants - PeoplePay webpage
- Social Security Eligibility - SPG 202.01
- Special Stipends - SPG 201.85
- Taxation of Clothing - tax policy
- Travel and Business Hosting SPG 507.10-1