Selling and marketing

Selling and marketing


Flag costs of selling and marketing products or special services.


Do not flag costs to:

  • File a patent application if the government will hold title to the patent
  • Prepare research proposals
  • Recruit faculty, staff, or students


A faculty member discovers a new compound that stimulates hair growth. The discovery was made under an Organized Research project. The sponsor has no claim or interest in a patent or in selling the new compound. The faculty member applies for a patent through the Technology Management Office (TMO). TMO also looks for a company to market the product.

  1. Do the costs of applying for a patent require an X Class?

    Yes. The sponsor has no claim on patents for discoveries that occur under the sponsored award. Costs of the patent application are ICRX expenditures.

  2. Do the costs of looking for a company to market the product require an X Class?

    Yes. Marketing expenditures are ICRX.