Forecasting & Analysis

Forecasting & Analysis


Enterprise Forecasting & Analysis is a new and expanding part of EFP&A. We are a consolidation point for data and assumptions across the enterprise, interfacing with a broad cross-section of stakholders to update and analyze the monthly enterprise forecast. The finance leadership team uses the forecast and associated scenario analysis to help inform strategic decision making.

Major Responsibilities

  • Leads enterprise-wide forecasting, including activity at the three academic campuses and the university health system (~$11B in annual revenue)
  • Coordinates with cross-functional stakeholders to align assumptions, gather forecasting input, and review resulting forecast
  • Performs trend analysis and tests assumptions for reasonableness
  • Develops data visualization to enhance forecast reviews and discussions of trends
  • Prepares enterprise-wide financial reports for finance leadership team
  • Develops data-driven insights and recommendations based on forecast trends for discussion with the finance leadership team
  • Performs scenario analysis to help the finance leadership team evaluate a range of potential outcomes to inform stategic decision making