Billing and Collections

Billing and Collections

Sponsored Research is billed by the Shared Services Center (SSC) Accounts Receivable. Billing is established based on the project award documentation per sponsor stipulations. Sponsored Programs provides the billing information to SSC Accounts Receivable. For questions or concerns regarding Sponsored Projects overall billing, please contact your Sponsored Programs Customer Service Coordinator listed on your monthly Statement of Activity (SOA) or find your Coordinator by Department. Your coordinator will involve SSC Accounts Receivable when necessary. If your question pertains to a particular invoice processed for a Sponsored Project, please contact [email protected]. Please reference the invoice number or customer/project number you are inquiring about in the email.


When an invoice is entered into the Accounts Receivable (AR) system, the originating department receives revenue immediately via an Accounts Receivable JE (BI Journal) to the designated Chartfields. See Overview of Accounts Receivable and Billing reports available in MPathways for more details.


When the AR invoice is processed in the system it will appear on the monthly Statement of Receivable (SOR) Report as an outstanding invoice. As payments are received they will be noted on the SOR and, when paid in full, the invoice will drop off the SOR.


SSC Accounts Receivable employs collectors that work with the department and the sponsor to resolve payment issues in a timely manner. Uncollected receivables are ultimately the responsibility of the department.


The SOR report shows the open accounts receivable items (i.e., invoices in the Billing system) and any activity applied to those items, such as payments, write-offs, or credit memos. For more information, including help documentation on reading a SOR report, refer to the Standard Monthly Reports link in the Resources section.