FY2025 Unit Internal Controls Certification Plan
The Internal Controls Annual Gap Analyses, Written Procedures, and Certification Form have been updated for FY2025. Key highlights are as follows:
Gap Analysis:
- Employment
- Expense Reporting (Emburse Enterprise)
- Cash Handling (Cash & Checks)
- Gift Cards
- Human Subject Incentive
- Capital Equipment
- Core elements of the certification process, such as Fiscal Stewardship, Financial Results, promoting the Compliance Hotline, Conflict of Interest/ Commitment, and Audit Services corrective action remain.
- The Information Assurance question this year focuses on promoting and or providing data protection awareness and education per the university policy SPG 601.27, Information Security and IT Standard Information Assurance Awareness, Training and Education (DS-16).
- Included this year tracking university-owned equipment being used off-site.
The certification timing will be as in the past, with official requests being sent out at the end of August and signed responses due at the end of September. Requests will be distributed electronically (i.e., no paper mailing) and plans are for signature responses to be provided electronically.
For Gap Analysis Tools and Written Procedure Templates see: http://finance.umich.edu/controls/tools.
For a draft version of the FY2024 Certification Form see: http://finance.umich.edu/controls/certform.