Projects Completed

Vera Baits II Mechanical Infrastructure Renewal | Completed August 2009. Financed by University Housing.

Bahna Wrestling Center | Completed December 2009. Financed by Athletic Department and gifts.

Camp Davis Rocky Mountain Field Station Cabin Replacement and Infrastructure Improvement | Completed August 2009. Financed by College of LSA.

Central Campus Area Utility Tunnel and Piping Replacement 2009 | Completed September 2009. Financed by utilities reserves.

Central Power Plant 2.4KV Switchgear Upgrade | Completed September 2009. Financed by utilities reserves.

Central Power Plant Replacement Steam Turbine | Completed March 2010. Financed by utilities reserves.

Chemistry Building and Willard H. Dow Laboratory Chiller Replacement | Completed June 2010. Financed by general fund.

William W. Cook Legal Research Library Elevator Replacement | Completed June 2010. Financed by investment proceeds.

East Quadrangle Residential College Auditorium Renewal | Completed August 2009. Financed by gifts, general fund, and College of LSA.

East University Chiller Plant New Chiller | Completed September 2009. Financed by investment proceeds.

Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Building Research Laboratories for Civil and Environmental Engineering | Completed December 2009. Financed by College of Engineering.

Ford Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning | Completed July 2009. Financed by investment proceeds.

Thomas Francis, Jr., Public Health Building Elevator Replacement | Completed February 2010. Financed by general fund.

Al Glick Field House | Completed September 2009. Financed by Athletic Department and gifts.

W.K. Kellogg Institute and Dental Building Exterior Repairs 2008 | Completed September 2009. Financed by investment proceeds.

W.K. Kellogg Institute and Dental Building Information Technology Infrastructure Upgrade | Completed May 2010. Financed by investment proceeds.

Clarence Cook Little Science Building Third and Fifth Floor Geology Laboratories and Offices | Completed June 2010. Financed by College of LSA.

Modern Languages Building Chilled Water Plant Expansion | Completed September 2009. Financed by utilities reserves and general fund.

Earl V. Moore Building Infrastructure Improvements | Completed December 2009. Financed by investment proceeds and utilities reserves.

North Campus Research Complex Buildings 100, 200, 300, and 400 Interior Renewal | Completed April 2010. Financed by the Medical School.

North Campus Switch Station Transformer Upgrades | Completed May 2010. Financed by utilities reserves.

North Quad Residential and Academic Complex | Completed May 2010. Financed by University Housing, Office of the Provost, College of LSA, and investment proceeds.

Alexander G. Ruthven Museums Building Elevator Replacement | Completed March 2010. Financed by general fund.

Madelon Louisa Stockwell Hall Madelon Louisa Stockwell Hall Renovation | Completed August 2009. Financed by University Housing and investment proceeds.

Towsley Center for Children Towsley Center for Children Replacement Facility | Completed December 2009. Financed by investment proceeds.

Michigan Stadium Renovation and Expansion Project | Work started July 2007 with an estimated completion date of December 2010. Substantially complete June 2010. Financing is from Athletic Department and gifts.
Michigan Stadium

University Of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers Programs | Financed by Hospitals and Health Centers.

  • Briarwood 2 and 4 Renovations | Completed October 2009.
  • Cancer Center Infusion Expansion | Completed February 2010.
  • Data Center Project | Completed December 2009.
  • Domino’s Farms Leasehold Improvements for the Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology, and Diabetes | Completed September 2009.
  • East Ann Arbor Health and Geriatrics Center Renovations for New Infusion Suite | Completed June 2010.
  • Eye Center Expansion | Completed February 2010. Financed by Hospitals and Health Centers, Medical School, and gifts.
  • A. Alfred Taubman Health Care Center Level B1 Medical Observation Unit | Completed August 2009.
  • A. Alfred Taubman Health Care Center Second Level Clinic Entry Renovations | Completed October 2009.
  • University Hospital Air Handling Upgrades | Completed March 2010.
  • University Hospital Computed Tomography and Interventional Radiology Expansion | Completed June 2009.
  • University Hospital Inpatient Bed Expansion – Unit 7A | Completed December 2009.
  • University Hospital Morgue Renovation | Completed August 2009.
  • University Hospital Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scanner Expansion | Completed October 2009.
  • University Hospital Process Chilled Water Expansion and New Cooling Tower | Completed June 2010.